The membership of the Perinatal Research Society is comprised of equal numbers of independent investigators engaged in research in Pediatrics, Obstetrics/Gynecology or Basic Sciences disciplines. We invite applications for Full Membership from those who are currently established as independent researchers in any of these three disciplines. Full details of the nomination process are given below.
The Society is also committed to the training and development of Young Investigators and Early Career Investigators who are pursuing a research career and are making the transition from mentored trainee to independent investigator. We invite applications from Early Career Investigators for
Associate Membership of PRS. Full details of the nomination process are given below.
Why Become a Member?
Our annual meeting is run in the style of a retreat and rarely exceeds 150 attendees. We also make a point of not having trade shows or poster sessions, and the focus is on high level research at the cutting edge. As such, and regardless of Full or Associate Membership, as a member of this society you will be able to discuss the field at the highest level. In the break periods and evening sessions there are opportunities to both make and maintain connections to leading researchers in the field of Perinatal Research.
For Associate members in particular there is the added benefit that PRS Full Members are actively engaged in NIH or international equivalent grant funded research and often sit on the associated grant agency review panels. This, combined with the career development opportunities that are available for Young Investigators and Early Career individuals through the NIH/Mead Johnson Grant Writing Workshop, makes PRS an ideal environment to develop research and administrative skills necessary for career success.
To determine whether an individual should be considered for Full versus Associate Membership we created the following guidelines. Very generally, if you primarily direct your own research, then you are independent and should be a Full Member. If you take direction mostly from mentors then you should be an Associate Member.
Membership Application
Thanks for your interest in joining the Perinatal Research Society. I serve at the chair of the PRS membership committee. To apply for PRS membership, please include a letter of intent, an updated CV and two letters of recommendation. At least one letter should be from a current member. For a list of current members, please contact me. I look forward to getting your completed application. If you have any additional questions, don’t hesitate to send me an email or give me a call. –Steve McElroy, MD. PRS Membership Coordinator, Steve McElroy, MD at
Membership Categories
Full Membership
Characteristics of successful applicants for Full Membership include evidence of independence as indicated by SOME of the following (not all, or even a majority). We recognize that many very well qualified individuals may only have a few of these categories apply to them.
- Faculty appointment at the Assistant or Associate Professor level or higher.
- Peer reviewed publications with authorship reflecting critical performance of the work or critical oversight of the project and trainees involved with the project.
- Actively seeking independent project level grant support (R01 or equivalent), including evidence of grant submissions that are not necessarily funded.
- Invited reviews, chapters, and commentaries.
- Invited lectures outside of the applicant’s institution.
- Collaborations outside of the applicant’s institution.
- Participation in grant reviews outside the applicant’s institution, journal article reviews and journal editorial positions.
- Leadership in other academic societies.
- Leadership within their own university.
- Successful mentorship of younger investigators.
- Evidence of active participation in the PRS:
- Associate member status
- Participation in the pre-meeting grant-writing program.
- Attendance at the meetings as a guest or speaker.
- PRS Award recipient.
Full Membership Requirements:
- Members are required to pay US$125 in yearly dues.
- Members are required to attend 2 out of every 4 meetings. International members (individuals residing outside of Canada or the United States) are also expected to attend two out of every four meetings. An excused absence can be requested by email to the Secretary/Treasurer before the meeting date.
- There are two categories of Full Membership based solely on the age of the member.
- The first is denoted as a “Regular Member.” The upper age for a Regular Member is 55 years old. After a member turns 56 years old, they automatically transition to the second category of Full Membership, the “Senior Member” category.
- Individuals of any age can be admitted into the Society and after acceptance will be denoted as a Regular Member or Senior Member based on their age.
- Per our by-laws, the only difference between a Regular Member and Senior Member in terms of responsibilities and privileges related to the Society is that only Regular Members may run for PRS office.
- Both Regular Members and Senior Members are expected to pay dues, attend two out of every four meetings, vote, bring guests and trainees to the meeting, nominate individuals as new members, and nominate individuals for our various Award and Young Investigator Programs.
- Because of the two different categories of Full Member, the Secretary Treasurer is required to maintain a record of the birth year for all Members.
Associate Membership
It is anticipated that applicants who apply for Associate Membership will be Senior Fellows or Junior Faculty who may not have independent funding, but demonstrate a commitment to research in reproductive sciences. While support by an individual training award (e.g., mentored award) provides clear evidence of commitment to a research career, it is not required.
Associate members will participate in annual meetings but remain non-voting members of PRS and cannot hold a position on Council or as President/President-Elect or Secretary-Treasurer until achieving Regular Member status. They are, however, encouraged to attend the annual business meeting as a way of becoming more familiar with the society. They also can bring guests and trainees to the meeting, nominate individuals as new members (Full or Associate), and nominate individuals for our various Award and Young Investigator Programs.
Associate Membership Requirements:
- Associate Members will be required to pay yearly dues of $50.
- Associate members will be required to attend 2 out of 4 meetings similar to Regular Members and are strongly encouraged to use the society to learn and further their early career through interaction with the Council and Regular Members.
- Status as an Associate Member will run for 5 years, after which it would be expected that an Associate Member be considered for Full Membership. After this 5-year period, the Secretary-Treasurer will contact the Associate member to request a CV and share it with Council, in order to determine if the individual should be considered for Full Membership or continue as an Associate Member. Alternatively, nomination to Full Membership status can be done at any time within the 5 years with the support of Full Member.
PRS Membership Questions?
Contact PRS Membership Coordinator: Krithika Lingappan, MD, PhD at