April 7-10, 2024 | Ōtautahi, Christchurch, New Zealand

Tena koutou (greetings),
It’s our privilege to invite you to Ōtautahi, Christchurch for PSANZ 2024.
The Congress will be held at Te Pae Convention Centre in the heart of the city. Pre-Congress meetings will commence on the 5th of April and the main event will be held from the 7th to the 10th.

PSANZ Chair 2024
Our theme “Whiria te Tāngata – Weave our people together” represents the collaborative and multidisciplinary nature of our society, woven together by our collective goal to improve the hauora (wellbeing) of wāhine (mother) and pēpi (baby).
Our logo is a woven whariki (mat) made up of strands representing the whānau and supporters (including the society professionals) that are protecting our wāhine and pēpi. You can read more about the significance of the logo on the Congress website.
The congress programme will celebrate this theme by bringing together a diverse group of speakers and through addressing a wide range of topics. We are engaging with the various special interest groups and the programme is shaping up well.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to our vibrant and rejuvenated city. Why not extend your stay to soak in the majestic sights and culture of Te Waipounamu/The South Island?
On behalf of the local organising committee,
Nicola Austin
Chair, PSANZ 2024 Christchurch, Aotearoa / New Zealand.
He aha te mea nui o te ao? He tāngata he tāngata he tāngata!
What is the most important thing in the world? It is people, it is people, it is people!
PSANZ is a unique multidisciplinary society of Australia and New Zealand dedicated to improving health and longterm outcomes for mothers and babies. We aim to do this by bringing together all disciplines involved in perinatal care and to encourage and promote research that focuses on pregnancy, birth and the newborn period and the implications for future health. The society also has a key role in advocacy, policy and promoting high-quality, safe and innovative practice.