The purpose of the Reimbursement Policy is to provide expense guidelines to Invited Speakers of the Perinatal Research Society (PRS).
Invited Speakers
The PRS can reimburse invited speakers for allowable expenses. Allowable expenses include: meal per-diem on the day of travel, travel costs, room and board, and honorarium according to sponsor.
Mileage for use of a privately-owned vehicle and associated costs, such as public transportation and parking, are reimbursable to young investigators. Mileage costs are allowable for meeting attendance travel only. Mileage will be reimbursed for the distance between the invited speaker’s primary address and the location of the meeting. Mileage is based on the standard miles of the “shortest route” as indicated by commercially available websites providing driving directions. Current rates can be found by accessing the United States General Services Administration website at Click on “Travel” under the “Policy” heading and on the following screen, click on “Privately Owned Vehicle Reimbursement Rates.” All dollar/mileage rates will be converted to currency/kilometer where applicable. Exchange rates will be determined by on the date the reimbursement check is drafted.
Invited speakers may be reimbursed for parking, however the most economical means must be utilized. Valet parking will NOT be reimbursed, unless a special need justifies this sort of parking. Tolls incurred while traveling via personal vehicle are a reimbursable expense. Invited speakers must provide receipts for reimbursement. Tips and gratuities will also not be reimbursed.
Air/Train/Bus Travel
For air travel, coach travel tickets are to be purchased by the invited speaker and should be at least 14 day advanced fares. Copies of original receipts for travel costs must be submitted to the secretary/treasurer within 30 days of the conclusion of the meeting.
Days of Travel – Meals
The PRS establishes the maximum Per Diem rate as $41.00 US/day for meal expenses incurred by young investigators (only) traveling more than six hours. Allowable charges for breakfast rate ($8.00), lunch ($12.00), and dinner ($21.00). Only meal receipts will be accepted as a form of documentation. No cash withdrawal or otherwise ambiguous forms of monetary transactions will be accepted.
Individuals are expected to exercise the same care while incurring business expenses that a prudent person would exercise in incurring personal expenses.
Non-US Currency
All reimbursement will be in US dollars and receipt values will be converted to US dollars determined by on the date the reimbursement check is drafted.
Expenses must be submitted within 30 days of the conclusion of the meeting. It is the responsibility of the PRS to review the request for reimbursement, and determine its reasonableness and allowability.